Edson Pavoni & László Barabási
Invisible Blue
installation/ 2020
Invisible Blue Invisible Blue is a light sculpture about the unseen connections of the art world, made in collaboration with pioneer network scientist Albert-László Barabási.
The 24-meter tall installation was a part of the 2020-2021 exhibition BarabásiLab: Hidden Patterns, at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest. Curated by József Készman, the show presented the last 25 years of research done by the BarabásiLab. The NFTs that resulted from this research are available on Foundation.
The 24-meter tall installation was a part of the 2020-2021 exhibition BarabásiLab: Hidden Patterns, at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest. Curated by József Készman, the show presented the last 25 years of research done by the BarabásiLab. The NFTs that resulted from this research are available on Foundation.
Invisible Blue video introduction,
2:45 min.
"By spending time with László I learned a simple and profound lesson: If you want to understand something, it's better to study the connection around that thing, than the thing itself."
- Edson Pavoni
The true nature of connections
Invisible Blue was born at the intersection of art and science. It lights the connections between the top 100 living artists in Hungary - László's home country. Each node represents an artist. A light connection is made when two artists have frequently exhibited their work together.

Invisible Blue at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
It took more than six months of scientific and technological research and almost a hundred hours to build the sculpture at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art in Budapest.
”Walking around this 24-meter tall sculpture is a way to experience with your body how connections are our real structure.” - Edson Pavoni

Invisible Blue at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
Invisible Blue has a limited collection of 101 artworks
that you can own as NFTs.
Collectors have the option of receiving the physical node of the sculpture, framed, signed, and shipped anywhere in the world.
It's a new way to connect with our work and foster our continuous research on Art and Network Science. All proceeds will be reinvested on our upcoming art installations and the mapping of new art networks by the BarabásiLab.
Collectors have the option of receiving the physical node of the sculpture, framed, signed, and shipped anywhere in the world.
It's a new way to connect with our work and foster our continuous research on Art and Network Science. All proceeds will be reinvested on our upcoming art installations and the mapping of new art networks by the BarabásiLab.
Invisible Blue NFTs. Courtesy of the artist.
Revealing the links is science revealing the culture that binds us together.
The artists spent about six months trying to map all the exhibitions that happened in the last 30 years in Hungary. They used that data to reconstruct the career of 2.300 Hungarian artists and find the hidden connections between them.
These hidden connections are shown by co-exhibition frequency. The more often two artists co-exhibit the more the spirit of their work is alike, at least in the eyes of the community.
Invisible Blue has the top hundred artists that are still alive and producing work within Hungary. The choice to focus only on active artists was seen as a gesture towards the community.
The artists spent about six months trying to map all the exhibitions that happened in the last 30 years in Hungary. They used that data to reconstruct the career of 2.300 Hungarian artists and find the hidden connections between them.
These hidden connections are shown by co-exhibition frequency. The more often two artists co-exhibit the more the spirit of their work is alike, at least in the eyes of the community.
Invisible Blue has the top hundred artists that are still alive and producing work within Hungary. The choice to focus only on active artists was seen as a gesture towards the community.

Invisible Blue at the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
Photographed by Bálint Jaska.
Artists featured
Asztalos Zsolt
Bak Imre
Batyko Robert
Benczur Emese
Beothy Balazs
Bukta Imre
Csakany Istvan
Cseke Szilard
Csiszer Zsuzsi
Csonto Lajos
Csorgo Attila
Denes Agnes
El-Hassan Roza
Ember Sari
Eperjesi Agnes
Erdelyi Gabor
Erhardt Miklos
Esterhazy Marcell
Feher Laszlo
Fischer Judit
Fodor Daniel Janos
Gaal Jozsef
Galantai Gyorgy
Gayor Tibor
Gerber Pal
Gerhes Gabor
Gyenis Tibor
Gyorffy Laszlo
Haasz Istvan
Horvath Tibor
Ilona Keseru Ilona
Iski Kocsis Tibor
Jovanovics Gyorgy
Karolyi Zsigmond
Kaszas Tamas
Kelemen Karoly
Keseru Karoly
Keserue Zsolt
Kicsiny Balazs
Kiraly Andras
Kokesch Adam
Komoroczky Tamas
Koronczi Endre
Kudasz Gabor Arion
Lakner Antal
Lakner Laszlo
Lovas Ilona
Matrai Erik
Maurer Dora
Megyik Janos
Nadler Istvan
Nagy Kriszta
Nemes Csaba
Nemeth Hajnal
Nemeth Ilona
Pinczehelyi Sandor
Puklus Peter
Rosko Gabor
Sugar Janos
Szabo Dezso
Szabo Eva Eszter
Szegedy-Maszak Zoltan
Szij Kamilla
Szilagyi Lenke
Szirtes Janos
Szotyory Laszlo
Szucs Attila
Tarr Hajnalka
Tibor Zsolt
Tot Endre
Ujhazi Peter
Varnai Gyula
Vecsei Julia
feLugossy Laszlo
Borocz Andras
Gal Andras
Hamos Gusztav
Haraszty Istvan
Juraj Bartusz Gyorgy
Koncz Andras
Konkoly Gyula
Konok Tamas
Ladik Katalin
Mengyan Andras
Osz Gabor
Perneczky Geza
Racmolnar Sandor
Reigl Judit
Saxon Szasz Janos
St. Auby Tamas
Szepfalvi Agnes
Szurcsik Jozsef
Vera Molnar
franyo aatoth
Rita Ackermann
Veto Orsolya Lia
Elekes Karoly
Herman Levente
Koroknai Zsolt
Pal Csaba
Asztalos Zsolt
Bak Imre
Batyko Robert
Benczur Emese
Beothy Balazs
Bukta Imre
Csakany Istvan
Cseke Szilard
Csiszer Zsuzsi
Csonto Lajos
Csorgo Attila
Denes Agnes
El-Hassan Roza
Ember Sari
Eperjesi Agnes
Erdelyi Gabor
Erhardt Miklos
Esterhazy Marcell
Feher Laszlo
Fischer Judit
Fodor Daniel Janos
Gaal Jozsef
Galantai Gyorgy
Gayor Tibor
Gerber Pal
Gerhes Gabor
Gyenis Tibor
Gyorffy Laszlo
Haasz Istvan
Horvath Tibor
Ilona Keseru Ilona
Iski Kocsis Tibor
Jovanovics Gyorgy
Karolyi Zsigmond
Kaszas Tamas
Kelemen Karoly
Keseru Karoly
Keserue Zsolt
Kicsiny Balazs
Kiraly Andras
Kokesch Adam
Komoroczky Tamas
Koronczi Endre
Kudasz Gabor Arion
Lakner Antal
Lakner Laszlo
Lovas Ilona
Matrai Erik
Maurer Dora
Megyik Janos
Nadler Istvan
Nagy Kriszta
Nemes Csaba
Nemeth Hajnal
Nemeth Ilona
Pinczehelyi Sandor
Puklus Peter
Rosko Gabor
Sugar Janos
Szabo Dezso
Szabo Eva Eszter
Szegedy-Maszak Zoltan
Szij Kamilla
Szilagyi Lenke
Szirtes Janos
Szotyory Laszlo
Szucs Attila
Tarr Hajnalka
Tibor Zsolt
Tot Endre
Ujhazi Peter
Varnai Gyula
Vecsei Julia
feLugossy Laszlo
Borocz Andras
Gal Andras
Hamos Gusztav
Haraszty Istvan
Juraj Bartusz Gyorgy
Koncz Andras
Konkoly Gyula
Konok Tamas
Ladik Katalin
Mengyan Andras
Osz Gabor
Perneczky Geza
Racmolnar Sandor
Reigl Judit
Saxon Szasz Janos
St. Auby Tamas
Szepfalvi Agnes
Szurcsik Jozsef
Vera Molnar
franyo aatoth
Rita Ackermann
Veto Orsolya Lia
Elekes Karoly
Herman Levente
Koroknai Zsolt
Pal Csaba
Edson Pavoni and Albert-László Barabási, artists
József Készman
Commissioned by
Ludwig Museum Budapest - Borbála Kálmán, Béla Bodor, István Bódi
Research and network design
BarabásiLab: Albert-László Barabási, Csaba Both & Alice Grishchenko
Art production and installation
Spaces&Creatures - Guilherme Bullejos, Gabriela Veiga & Edson Pavoni
Prototyping space
FabLab Budapest
3D Printing
Eduardo Dias
Kristóf Kovács
Special thanks to Antônio Curti, Felipe Sztutman, Eduardo Dias, Mentor Neto, Marcos Felipe, Mungunzá, David Pap, Barbara Soalheiro, Marcello Dantas and to the volunteers Gábor Hortobágyi, Garry Roszoly, Kata Hegyes, Melinda Sipos & Sándor Fovenyi
NFT Team
Binaural sound design in 432Hz
Gabriel Martini
Light and 3D Animation
Thais Mancini
Special thanks to Paulo Perez
Edson Pavoni and Albert-László Barabási, artists
József Készman
Commissioned by
Ludwig Museum Budapest - Borbála Kálmán, Béla Bodor, István Bódi
Research and network design
BarabásiLab: Albert-László Barabási, Csaba Both & Alice Grishchenko
Art production and installation
Spaces&Creatures - Guilherme Bullejos, Gabriela Veiga & Edson Pavoni
Prototyping space
FabLab Budapest
3D Printing
Eduardo Dias
Kristóf Kovács
Special thanks to Antônio Curti, Felipe Sztutman, Eduardo Dias, Mentor Neto, Marcos Felipe, Mungunzá, David Pap, Barbara Soalheiro, Marcello Dantas and to the volunteers Gábor Hortobágyi, Garry Roszoly, Kata Hegyes, Melinda Sipos & Sándor Fovenyi
NFT Team
Binaural sound design in 432Hz
Gabriel Martini
Light and 3D Animation
Thais Mancini
Special thanks to Paulo Perez